Eliza Dyball

2012 - 2014
Eliza Dyball’s practice explores perceived rules, parameters and constructed limits that exist in relation to space and subject. Through the observation and challenging of variable narrative structures such as; time, spatial history and physical patterning, she explores the tension of stasis, movement, resistance and submission.
Her most recent work; a public sound installation as apart of New Babylon (Next wave 2012), used reproduced vocal instruction of the late Merce Cunningham, to explore the uncertainty and synchronicity of civic space.
Since completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) at the Victorian College of the Arts 2007 - 2010, Eliza has exhibited locally and internationally including New York, Paris and Amsterdam, with work included in private collections in Australia, The United States and Europe. She has received numerous awards and grants, including the Victorian Collage of the Arts Travel Scholarship 2010 and the Australia Council Art Start Grant 2011.
Recent shows include New Babylon, (Next Wave, 2012), re;Generation 2 :Tomorrows photographers Today (Aperture, New York, 2011) and 3 Square 2, (Conical, Melbourne, 2011)