2 March -
31 March 2007
200 Gertrude Street
200 Gertrude Street, FitzroyChristopher L.G. Hill's distinctive installations have been developed in multiple forms of collaboration with the intention of reflecting his creative context. For this exhibition, Hill created changeable modules, domes and cardboard shelving in what proved a journey through the dis/utopian sub-cultures of contemporary Australasian art practice. Christopher L.G. Hill with; Dan Arps, Bianca Hester, Nick Mangan, MofFarFarRah, James Deutsher, Nick Selenitsch, Matthew Griffin, Hamish Hill, Clubs Project, Kate Newby, Olivia Barrett, inverted topology, Spiros Panigirakis, Nathan Gray, Rory Hyde, NWW, Inverted Crux, Saskia Schut, Josh Petherick, Exomitor, Katherine Huang, Julie Burleigh, KkrisKrostofffiston, Matt Hinkley, Annie Wu, Justin K Fuller, Squads, Kain Picken and Rob McKenzie, and many, many more.
As part of Omnipresents Hill presented a series of performances and events.
Saturday 10 March, 2pm - Dumb Crystals and ABC WEAPONS and special guests
Saturday 17 March - Paeces and Half Man Half Man
Saturday 24 March - absoluten calfeutrail and Justin K Fuller and special guests
Saturday 31 March - Weekend at Burzum's (Chris L.G. Hill and Matt Griffin), James Deutsher and Liv Barrett
Please see Hill's blog for further information: www. christopherlghill.blogspot.com