23 April -
22 May 2021
Gertrude Glasshouse
44 Glasshouse Road, CollingwoodOpening: Thursday 22 April, 6-8pm
Coming in 2021, the much anticipated Remains To Be Seen with Georgia Banks
Do you think you have what it takes? Are you searching for that special something? Well this could be the beginning!
Remains To Be Seen is searching for people of all ages and backgrounds who are genuinely committed. This is not a competition and there is no cash prize up for grabs. Instead, you could walk away with the most valuable prize of all… If you are genuine and can commit, then apply now!
Georgia Banks’ works begin with an invitation and a provocation. Sometimes they are met with an overwhelming response, sometimes no one answers at all. They do not value either of these outcomes over the other. In recent years Banks has been banned from Tinder, sued by the estate of Hannah Wilke, and awarded Miss Social Impact in a national beauty pageant. They would like to go viral, become a reality TV star, and be inaugurated into the Guinness World Records Hall of Fame. They've never had a filling nor broken a bone (although they have been crucified) and once was convinced they had accidentally sliced away a part of their labia during a performance (they hadn’t).
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