5 October -
2 November 2024
Gertrude Glasshouse
44 Glasshouse Road, CollingwoodOpening event: Fri 4 Oct, 6 – 8pm
Auction is live until 11:59pm on Friday 1 November 2024
On Saturday 2 November everything must gawn
ABORIGINAL ART DISCOUNT GLASSHOUSE continues Rhall's exploration of First Nations art in relation to capital, creating new moving image works that incorporate various marketing tropes in a parodic manner. These advertisement and mockumentary-like declarations also serve to promote the 'ABORIGINAL ART DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE' (at Gertrude Glasshouse and online via Galabid), functioning both as a parody and a platform for selling Rhall's artwork and personal archive.
The project is shaped by Rhall's new responsibilities as a parent, which have led to a broader shift in his practice and are reflected by his difficulty engaging with his (residency) studio-based work. In response, Rhall has also relocated his Gertrude studio to Glasshouse, presenting the 'studio as archive' within the ABORIGINAL ART DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE installation. In addition to his continued examination of the art market, this project reflects Rhall's intent to prioritise collaborative and conceptual work over material, studio-based practice because 'everything (material) must gawn'.