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Gertrude Contemporary is pleased to announce that Jon Campbell is the creator of the 2013 Gertrude Edition.
The Gertrude Editions are a series of new limited edition works of art, released annually on the occasion of the Gertrude Studios exhibition. The Gertrude Editions have been developed to raise funds in support of Gertrude Contemporary, and to promote the connection between current studio artists and previous generations of leading Australian artists who have held studios and /or exhibitions at Gertrude Contemporary.
The 2013 Gertrude Edition Yeah/Gertrude is a specially commissioned series of screenprinted works mounted onto plywood panels. Campbell has printed the word “YEAH” onto calico, and then cut, mixed and collaged the segments to create a suite of variations on his well known “yeah flag”. In proposing this affirmative text as a replacement for the official Australian flag, Campbell engages in what has been described as a “gentle activism”. With humour and feel-good optimism, he eschews strident nationalism in favour of an inclusive celebration of the small, the overlooked and the everyday.
Jon Campbell has shown in group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally. His work is in major public and private Australian collections including the National Gallery of Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, Museum of Contemporary Art and the National Portrait Gallery. Campbell was in residence at Gertrude Contemporary in 1985–87 making him amongst the first artists to hold a Gertrude studio.
Yeah/Gertrude was on exhibition at Gertrude Contemporary during Gertrude Studios 2013. Opened 15 November, 6 – 8pm and ran from 16 November – 1 December.
The work has been generously donated by Jon Campbell, KALIMANRAWLINS, Melbourne and Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney.
Special thanks to Stewart Russell at Spacecraft and the Gertrude assistants - Colleen Chen, Alice Mathieu, and Kent Seaman. The 2013 Edition has been supported by Spacecraft and Yanni Florence. Photo credit: Mark Ashkanasy