Artist Talk
Saturday 27 February 2016, 2:00am
Gertrude Contemporary
21-31 High Street, Preston SouthO’Connell’s work explores complex ideas around temporalities, relating to such themes as uncharted territories, geography and astrology, among others. Incorporating elements of the common vernacular and pop culture, and using linguistic word play as a conceptual impulse, O’Connell’s work reflects on the experience of time and physical space within the context of late capitalism.
More day than Beyonce is an ongoing project that sets out to describe three different public actions, articulated through a perverse form of archaeology and symbology. These actions explicitly examine the visibility of time, work, leisure and occupation. The first of these events took place upon Gertrude Street: a measure of bodies, ushered in by the recent appearance of motivational coffee mugs, bearing the slogan: You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce.