Monday 17 June 2019, 8:00am
West Space
Bourke Street, Melbourne.
Performances by: Sonia Leber and David Chesworth, Diego Ramirez and Tim Dwyer.
This performance program, Lifenessless, took place at West Space. It explored the way in which voices resonate and remain productive in the space between worlds of the dead and the living, what Jason Stanyek and Benjamin Piekut have called the 'intermundane'.
"In late capitalism, the dead are highly productive. Of course, all capital is dead labor, but the dead also generate capital in collaboration with the living. What is “late” about late capitalism could be the new arrangements of interpenetration between worlds of living and dead, arrangements that might best be termed intermundane"
- 'Deadness. Technologies of the Intermundane'. Jason Stanyek and Benjamin Piekut
Artist duo Sonia Leber and David Chesworth presented a new audio performance, 'Unseen Light : Prologue (Split open the atom in ourselves)', featuring sound collected from over 90 hours of séance tapes, purchased from a deceased estate, recorded by a New Zealand family in Auckland, and later Australia, between 1958 and 1972.
Diego Ramirez performed a musical ‘audition’ for a Mexican vampire part in the upcoming Buffy The Vampire Slayer reboot, which has been remediated to incorporate greater 'diversity'.
Tim Dwyer presented an audio cut-up piece for the end of civilisation made from samples of debates, murmurs, proclamations, cries and shrieks in the voice of a black hole.