Panel discussion
Tuesday 9 June 2015, 8:00am
200 Gertrude Street
200 Gertrude Street, FitzroyTuesday 9 June 2015, 6–8pm
Gertrude Contemporary
Free. No bookings required.
The Facebook event can be foudn here: facebook.com/events/1674709849416553/
'The Expanding and Contracting Universe of Painting’ is a roundtable discussion about the specificity of contemporary painting practices that are proximal to sculptural and installation practices. Each speaker will present a short statement, followed by an open discussion.
'The Expanding and Contracting Universe of Painting' is the first in a series of discussions about contemporary painting organised by Fayen d'Evie and Liang Luscombe, which will take place at Gertrude Contemporary.
Brooke Babington
Jan Bryant
Gabriel Curtin
Ry Haskings
David Homewood
Helen Johnson
Annika Koops
Nell Pearson
Lisa Radford
Bryan Spier
Nick Selenitsch
Masato Takasaka
Helen Hughes
A podcast of the event can be found here.