Thursday 1 November 2018, 12:00pm
Gertrude Glasshouse
44 Glasshouse Road, CollingwoodThursday 1 November, 11pm - 1am
Join us next Thursday 1 November for a special midnight performance by Renny Kodgers at Gertrude Glasshouse. The intimate performance will be held from 11pm – 1am when our protagonist can share his musings deep into the quiet of the night. No bookings necessary. BYO pillow.
The exhibition The Lonesome Receiver continues until 17 November at Gertrude Glasshouse
The Lonesome Receiver continued Mark Shorter’s depiction and construction of male identity through the persona of Renny Kodgers. This work is the sequel to Hello Stranger; presented at Campbelltown Art Centre, which enacted a classic road movie mise-en-scene to rethink cinematic space and time. For this project, the artist looked at the communication channels and emotional connections of CB radio, favoured by long distance truck drivers. This project formed connection points from Gertrude Glasshouse to Gertrude Contemporary via CB radio, and connected the project to the broader airwaves around Melbourne.